BestBuy has announced a massive discount for Microsoft’s Android smartphone, the Surface Duo. The base version of the handset is being offered at $949, implying you get a $450 discount. Similarly, the top-end version of the handset with 256GB onboard storage is now available for just $1049, down from the usual $1499.
Now, this makes it quite an offer for Surface fans, as the $450 discount makes the Surface Duo one of the most affordable handsets, currently offered in the United States.
The Surface Duo is Microsoft’s first Android smartphone, the highlight of which is its dual-screen form factor. The handset features two separate AMOLED displays, with each display measuring at 5.6-inches. However, when used together, they transform into an 8.1-inch display having an aspect ratio of 3:2. Now, this happens to be the handset’s standout feature, as it offers users not only the standard phone design but also transforms into a large tablet which makes it more immersive while watching videos or playing games. Under the hood, the handset gets powered by the Snapdragon 855 processor paired with 6GB of RAM.
For now, the Surface Duo remains exclusive to the US market. However, Microsoft plans to release the handset in more international markets. Key sources indicate that the handset could launch in Europe, as soon as this spring.
“Since introducing Surface Duo in August 2020, people have asked when we would make this product available outside of the US. We’re pleased to share that in early 2021, we’ll be offering Surface Duo in Canada, United Kingdom, France, and Germany. We’re excited to share more information at the beginning of 2021, so stay tuned for more,” said Microsoft back in December.
Besides, reports also suggest that the second-generation Surface Duo handset is already in the works, which is expected to go official by the end of 2021. The second-generation Duo should likely feature upgraded specs and the latest hardware.